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Unexpected Love

Dec 4, 2022

Christmas: An Unexpected Story

This is the first week of our new Christmas: An Unexpected Story series. Over the next four weeks as we approach Christmas, we are going to look at how the Christmas Story is in many ways an unexpected story. We are going to see how it is a story of unexpected love, unexpected joy, unexpected, peace, and unexpected hope. This week we are going to see how the story of the nativity is a miracle that was so much bigger than we happened in a barn because it was a miracle that started at the beginning of all things. As we examine the story of scripture we see God revealing his plan and promise to destroy sins curse and restore the broken relationships caused by sin. God not only declares this promise but he steps into the story demonstrating the cost to make things right again.


The Gospel: Communicated
The Gospel: Communicated
The Gospel: Hospitality
The Gospel: Hospitality
The Gospel: Blessing
The Gospel: Blessing
The Gospel: Culture
The Gospel: Culture
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