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Join in the mission of Wellspring Church


at Wellspring

There are 4 ways for you to give:

For any questions or inquiries, email

Give Online

One-time online and recurring giving is quick and easy through Church Center.  Click the button below to give once, or to set up regular giving on a weekly or monthly basis.

Pre-Authorized Giving

Fill out the form by clicking the button below to give on a weekly or monthly basis through auto-deposit.

Giving Envelopes

Giving envelopes are available if you prefer to give in-person. Envelopes can be dropped off at the church office or in the tithe box in the sanctuary.


E-transfer to with a note to specify any giving to the Wellspring Fund, Capital Fund, Care Fund, or Alliance Missions.

Tax receipts are annually distributed in early February.
Member of Canadian Council of Christian Charities

Where to Give:


This is the main fund we invite people to give to. The Wellspring Fund is the operating fund of the church for things such as ministry budgets, utilities and salaries.​


The Wellspring Capital Fund is used for equipment purchases and major costs associated with building repair, renovation, and major upgrades. ​


As a part of the Christian and Missionary Alliance denomination, we invite people to regularly give to the support of Alliance international workers and mission work through this fund. The Alliance Global Advance Fund is supported with 75% of the giving from this fund and 25% used to support Alliance Missions Work in Canada. ​


On a monthly basis following Communion we invite people to give over and above their regular giving to this fund. The care fund is used exclusively for providing financial assistance to individuals in crisis, both within the church family and in the community.


The Journey Dundas is a New Venture partnered with Wellspring Church. Together, we are exploring how Jesus is leading us to share a message of hope and love with the people of Dundas. You can give directly to this New Venture through a separate "The Journey Dundas" fund.

Image by Adriel Kloppenburg

“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”

2 Corinthians 9:6-8

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