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Timothy: Fan the Flame

May 29, 2022

Lives Changed by Jesus

In every genuine believer is the gift of God — the living presence of the Holy Spirit. But as Paul tells a young Timothy in our text for this week, God’s presence and gifts in us are something we must tend to and ‘fan into flame.’ Timothy is one of the most talked about figures in the New Testament. His journey of being changed by Jesus seemed to be less a dramatic moment of change (like that of the forgiven woman in last week’s text) to more of a gradual change. In 2 Timothy 3:15, Paul talks about how Timothy had been taught the Old Testament scriptures from infancy, which prepared him for believing in Jesus. But when he received the ‘gift of God’ through faith in Jesus, the direction of Timothy’s life changed in terms of God directing him to full-time service. How have you been continuing to fan into flame your gifts?


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