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LIVE at 10am

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Changed by Jesus. For Others.

Dan Martin

Acts 8:26-40

This week we are going to examine how when Jesus changes lives it is not only for the individual but others. The change that Christ does in us is also meant to be done through us as we share Jesus did others. As we enter a relationship with Jesus we get caught up in the mission of God to rescue and redeem the nations of the world. Sharing Jesus with others can be challenging, but we are going to examine how Philip shares Jesus with an Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8. As we do we are going to see how effective sharing begins with hearing from the Spirit, finding common ground, doing life with people, and is based on God’s transforming word.

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God's Good Work in All Things

Guest Speaker

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Jesus Can Set You Free

Jon Miller

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Overcoming Agreement

Dan Martin

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