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It's all about Grace

May 12, 2024


This is the sixth week in our series called “Unfit.” In this series, we are looking at how God continues to invite unlikely, undeserving, and UNFIT people to play a part in what He is doing in this world. As you trace God’s story throughout the Scriptures, you meet a long list of broken and imperfect people whom God includes in His perfect plan. From a human perspective, Abraham was too old, Jacob was dishonest, Moses and David were murderers, Elijah and Jeremiah were suicidal, the warrior Gideon was a coward, Rahab and Tamar were prostitutes, Jonah was disobedient, the disciples abandoned Jesus, Peter denied Christ, and Paul persecuted the Church. Despite their imperfections, God invited them into a story much bigger than their own. God could have told His story in any way but chose broken people who he redeemed to share His message of redemption to the world. This is good news for all of us. This week we see that it is all about God's grace at work in our lives.


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