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Being the Church Un-Gathered

Jan 9, 2022

Devoted: Church Reimagined

In Acts 2, with the coming of the Holy Spirit the early Church ignited with explosive signs and wonders pointing to the reality of Jesus, which translated into a growing community devoted to new life in Christ and sharing the good news of Jesus with others. Their devotion to Christ led to close fellowship and sharing with one another to meet peoples needs where “the Lord added to their number daily” (2:47). But then suddenly, their Acts 2 world was turned upside down by persecution in Acts 8, “where all except the apostles were scattered”(8:1). God used persecution to push the Church to where God wanted the Gospel to go. The Early Church was forced to reimagine what it looked like to be devoted in a time of being scattered. In this time of COVID, we need to do the same.


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