There are two categories to choose from:
1. Paid Wellspring Summer Staff (2-4 weeks OR 16 week)
Requirements include:
Available to work at least two weeks of camp.
15 years of age or older by their start date
Able to provide a Police Check if over the age of 18
Attend mandatory training on July 4 & 5
2. Volunteer
Many volunteer positions are needed!
Camp counsellor (expected to be available for at least one full week of camp)
Work directly with kids!
Going into grade 7 in September 2025
Be able to provide a Police Check if over the age of 18
Attend mandatory training on July 4 from 7-9pm
Morning Leader Snack (needed for every morning of camp!)
Deliver a peanut-free snack for 7:45am for leaders to enjoy
Plan for snack to feed 20-25 people
Camp cleanup (needed on the Friday of each week of camp)
Help place chairs, sweep floors, move furniture, etc
Arrive at 4pm
Check-in volunteers
Help welcome kids to camp and get them checked in
Need 2 volunteers every day of camp from 8:30-9:30am
End-of-day Parent Cafe
Help prep & serve coffee to parents before/during check-out
2 volunteers every day from approx. 3:15-4:15pm
Take photos and videos of camp activities
Needed as often as possible (specify which days/hours you can volunteer by emailing camp@wellspringburlington.com)
For any questions, email camp@wellspringburlington.com
Volunteer hours are available for High School student.