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Embrace Your Mission

Oct 16, 2022

Pursuing Jesus

In the Bible, we see that God is at work in the world, and he wants us to join him. After the resurrection, the Gospel of John says Jesus appeared to the disciples to show them he was alive, to dispel their fear, and to then commission them with his Spirit to carry on his mission. Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” Our English word mission comes from the Latin word missio, which means ‘to send.’ As the Father sent him, now, Jesus sends us into the world to be his representatives and to carry on his work. As was shared in the message this week, taking up Jesus’ mission as our mission is a ‘command,’ not a suggestion (Matthew 28:18-20). God’s Word tells us that our mission in life is to be a continuation of Jesus’ mission and has eternal significance. The cost of embracing God’s mission for our life here on earth is abandoning our own agenda and accepting God’s agenda. It requires a shift from self to others, from thinking just locally to globally, and from being focused on only the now to a more eternal perspective. Together, let’s embrace Jesus mission!


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