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Devoted to Maturity
Jan 30, 2022
Devoted: Church Reimagined
This week we come back to Ephesians 4, picking up from where we left off 2 weeks ago on the apostle Paul’s words on keeping the unity of the Spirit as a body of believers. Paul now talks about one of the things that flows from unity in the life of a local body of Christ: a devotion to growing spiritual maturity. A church walking in unity will be devoted to maturity, being a people who stand arm in arm, growing together in Jesus Christ. In our passage, Paul talks about unity being expressed in a diversity of gifts and callings within the Body of Christ. Paul says, “Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people” and to build up believers “all until reach unity in the faith.” The focus and result of this diversity of gifting is being unified in Christ.
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